Tag Archives: minimum

Reset inspection service light indicator BMW E39

Reset inspection service light indicator BMW E39. From years: 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003.

How do you reset inspection service light indicator BMW E39.

  1. Ignition key must be off.
  2. Press and hold the trip odometer reset button in the instrument cluster (left button), and turn the ignition key to the first position.
  3. Keep the button pressed for approx 5 seconds until one of the following words appear in the display: “Inspection” with “Reset”.
  4. The service due is shown with “reset” if the coded minimum consumption limit has been reached and resetting is possible. If “reset” is not shown, the minimum limit has not been reached and resetting is not possible.
  5. Press and hold the reset button again until the word “Reset” begins to flash.
  6. While the display is flashing, press the left button briefly to reset the service interval. After the display has shown the new interval the following will appear: “End SIA”.
  7. The system can only be reset again after  2.5 gal (10 liters) of fuel have been consumed.

That it is the full procedure how to reset inspection service light indicator BMW E39. If you like to reset any maintenance oil light after an oil change. Or reset check engine light, airbag light, inspection key or insp errors when maint reqd, for BMW cars. Or any error which appears on the display. Write in the search box the car name for which you want to find information, and find how to reset other service reminders when by yourself.

Reset oil service light BMW 7 Series

Reset oil service light BMW 7 Series. For models: BMW E32, BMW E38, BMW E65, BMW E66, BMW F01, BMW F02.

Reset oil service light BMW 7 Series model E38. From years: 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001.

How do you reset oil service light BMW 7 Series model E38.

  1. Ignition key must be off.
  2. Press and hold the trip odometer reset button in the instrument cluster (left button), and turn the ignition key to the first position.
  3. Keep the button pressed for approx 5 seconds until one of the following words appear in the display: “Oil Service” with “Reset”.
  4. The service due is shown with “reset” if the coded minimum consumption limit has been reached and resetting is possible. If “reset” is not shown, the minimum limit has not been reached and resetting is not possible.
  5. Press and hold the reset button again until the word “Reset” begins to flash.
  6. While the display is flashing, press the left button briefly to reset the service interval. After the display has shown the new interval the following will appear: “End SIA”.
  7. The system can only be reset again after  2.5 gal (10 liters) of fuel have been consumed.

Oil service light reset indicator 2006 Volvo XC90, 2006

Reset service interval display, insp and oil service for Volvo XC90, 2006, that can be made manually by use button on car dashboard.

Reset service light indicator, engine oil life Volvo XC90, oil reset instructions:

“Resetting the service reminder indicator (SRI), model years 2002-
The service reminder indicator (SRI) informs the driver that it is time for the car to be serviced. The text message is displayed for 120s each time the ignition is switched on.
Proceed as follows to reset the service reminder indicator (SRI):

1.Ignition position I
2. Press and hold in the reset button for the trip odometer
3. Ignition position II. Note! Turn the key to position II within 2 seconds
4. Hold the reset button for the trip meter pressed in until the original value has been reset. Note! For all vehicles from the 2003 model year a general yellow lamp will light when the reset button must be released
5. Release the reset button for the trip odometer within 4 seconds. The instrument gives an audible signal when resetting has succeeded
6. If the trip meter is already reset the reset button should be held in for a minimum of 10 seconds and a maximum of 14 seconds.

Note! If the reset button for the trip odometer is not released within 4 seconds, the service reminder indicator (SRI) is not reset.”

Service light reset indicator Ford focus 1.6 tdci 09

Reset service light indicator, engine oil life Ford focus, year 2009 reset instructions:

This is how you do it on a MK4 Mondeo, worth a go:-

1. Close all doors.
2. Turn the ignition key to position II.
3. Simultaneously press the accelerator pedal and the brake pedal and hold for a minimum of 15 seconds.
4. The oil change reminder indicator will turn off. This confirms that the reset procedure has been correctly completed.

service light reset BMW 2001

BMW 2001 to current

Ignition Off (Position 0)
Press and Hold the trip odometer button while turning key to position 1 (ACCESSORY)
Keep the button depressed (about 5 secs.) until you see “Oil Service” or “Inspection” with “Reset” or “Re” in the display*
Press the button again and hold for approx. 5 secs. until “Reset” or “Re” flashes
While the display is flashing, briefly press the button again to reset the Service Interval. After the display has shown the new interval you should see “END SIA” for about 2 seconds
Note: that if the “Reset” or “Re” does not flash, then you have not met the minimum consumption level and cannot reset

*Note: On vehicles with “High” cluster, you will also see the amount of fuel (in litres) remaining until next service